Community Value Calculator

Calculate how much potential revenue you could make by converting your audience into a community of superfans, all at a fraction of the cost!

Enter information related to your brand to get a custom readout of your potential earnings.

Provide us with the current number of followers across your socials.

Adjust what percentage of your audience you want to see translate into community.

Your potential community size is your total IG audience multiplied by your conversion rate.

Studies show that, on average, 10% of your community will be especially active and engaged.

What's the average order size a customer makes with you? This will help us calculate revenue from retained customers.

At what frequency do people buy your products? Every month? Once a year?

Followers on Social

Audience Conversion Rate


Total Community

Total Active Community

10% Active

Avg. Order Size ($)

Monthly Revenue

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If you're interested in learning more about how MAGNETIQ can unlock the benefits of building a community around your brand, please fill out the form below.

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